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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 4: Struggling to Find Meaning...

Today has been hectic for the family. I had to take my husband to the emergency room and everything has just been thrown out of whack! But fortunately everything is running smoothly and my husband is home safe and sound (for the most part anyway).

And though today has been rather off kilter with how things normally go, the change in pace has given me time to ruminate on certain aspects of my book, namely, the main characters: Jenna and Adam. I don't think I've ever really sat down and discussed these two characters in depth before and maybe now is a good time to do so.

First I'll start with Adam. Now, I won't go into complete detail about who Adam is and what he's capable of because, well, that would ruin the aspect of writing a novel. Why would you want to read something you already know about right? Anyway, Adam, is an extremely difficult character. Obviously he's extremely good looking, though not obsessively so. Blonde hair and green eyes and a very strongly defined and angular face. He's strong willed and stubborn and has the propensity to get under your skin with his annoying behavior. And more than that, he can be very guarded and suspicious of another person's intentions and it takes awhile for him to completely open up to you. But once he does open up to you and learns to understand you, he's fiercely loyal and would do all that he could to help you. Sounds ideal right? Not so much. This loyalty can lead to some very difficult situations and his stubborness has a tendency to infuriate his friends. But through it all, the goodness in his heart can overcome most misunderstandings....I think...

And now onto Jenna. Jenna was a difficult character for me to write. She's so very difficult and complex that I realize new things about her character every time I sit down to write her life. I feel a deeply emotional connection to her, though I haven't experienced anything like she has. Her life is marked by sadness and because of this sadness Jenna tends to isolate herself from the outside world. Being fearful of making connections, she refuses almost every opportunity to deepen connections and friendships. She's deeply connected to her past and refuses to move on from it, thus nearly incapacitating her to the point where she needs to supress memories in order to function. She is a deeply devoted to her schooling and her job...they are nearly her entire life. And it alienates her from other people...and when Adam comes into her life, her entire method of thought and her schedule is thrown upside down. She must come face to face with her demons and learn that in order to move forward, you have to accept the past.

Is that vague enough and still understandable? I want so much for you to understand my characters and connections to them. A reader deserves the ability to enjoy a story because they feel something for the characters and enjoy reading about their lives the experiences they have. Does everything make sense? Would you read this..whoever you are?

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