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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 13: Another Posting!

Yay for posting right? I hope you are enjoying my diligence in posting on here! And I have another little piece of writing for you. I hope you enjoy it:

A loud crash sounded, startling me awake. I sat up blearily, my heart pounding.

'what on earth?' I thought tiredly. I stumbled from the bed and inched towards the door. Another loud crash had me instantly alert. Someone was in my apartment. I tensed and strained to hear a voice or any other movement. Quiet footsteps were in my kitchen.

With my heart hammering in my chest, I slowly crept from the bedroom. I hesitantly walked towards the front room, careful not to arouse suspicion that I was awake. I peeked around the corner and noted the lone shadow in my kitchen. All the lights were off and I couldn't make out an prominant features. I did, however, conclude that it was a man. He was too tall and well built to be anyone else.

An idea suddenly sparked in my head. My broom! I had left it in the living room by the door this afternoon when I had cleaned up the shards of my dropped plate. Adrenal kicked in and I stealthily surried towards the door and my weapon. Firmly holding the handle of the broom and inched towards the man in my kitchen. He was searching for something in my cupboards. I raised the broom above my head.

"Jenna?" The man turned. I panicked and swung with as much force as my frame could muster.

The man let out a low grunt and tried to step towards me. I shrieked and swung once, twice, three times more. The man groaned and stepped away from me. I inched forward swinging the broom wildy; panic and adrenaline coursed through me.

"Jenna stop!" the man shouted. I stopped in mid-swing, my broom suspended in the air. I recognized that voice.

"Adam?" I questioned hesitantly.

"Yeah," the shadow replied, groaning a little, "Thanks for the warm welcome darlin'"

"You idiot!" I admonished...

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