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Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 7: Developing the Plot...

Well it's official! We've made it one whole week into this 365 writing challenge! I don't want to brag, but I think this is a great thing and I feel as though I've accomplished quite a bit so far...even if it only has been a week...we still have so many more weeks to go! And I feel pumped.

I know that things won't always be easy and I'll be tempted to abandon this little attempt at improving my writing, but I know that in the end this challenge will be well worth it.

Now onto my little thought for the day. I've been thinking a lot about the complications that can arise from writing a novel. There are so many different facets you need to consider when you attempt to write something that a reader could relate to. One part in particular that I'm trying to focus on right now is the plot of my novel. It's interesting to note that I know how my story begins, what happens in the middle, and most importantly, how this piece of work ends. The thing that I struggle with is connecting the dots between those points however. And I constantly have that stupid editor in my head telling me to go back and rework pieces that I've already written because they sound stupid. However, I need to just sit and and connect those dots and then go back and rework the completed novel! Let's hope that all goes well.

I'm hoping to post again tonight with a little piece of my writing. Once things calm down around here that is! I hope that whoever is reading this will be excited by this little there anyone out there? :)


The Novice Novelist

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