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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 25...a little belated...

Well I've done it again. I fell asleep last night on the couch and subsequently did not post anything for my blog...yep I'm a failure...I apologize to all you lovely readers for my stupidity and my horrible attendance at writing in my blog and in my novel...le sigh...I apologize! So here's a posting for you. Granted it is a little late but it's here for you to enjoy...and I promise to post at least one more time today...though I will try to make it two. Here's hoping!

Alright, I know I promised that I would have a posting from my novel in this post for you. However I thought I'd talk about something that I learned in my English class this week. We were talking about some 18th century writers and  one that really struck me was title, "Rambler No. 4" by Johnson. In this, he talks about the duty that writers have in the creation of their writing of the novel. And it really struck me. Yes granted he was talking about how we need to not be so fanciful with dragons and unique things of that nature, but the majority of his writing was about how we need to, as writers, be aware of the morals that we need to portray.

This made me consider my own writing and ask a few questions: what is the moral I'm trying to portray within my work? Am I trying to display an inspiring and unique story?

Anyway that's what I've thought...

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