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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

NaNo and Computer issues....

I know I should have updated sooner, seeing as how it is now December and NaNoWriMo is officially over. And I will be completely honest and admit that I didn't reach the 50,000 word goal that was established. My total word count was, however, over 20,000 words which I think is a great accomplishment so I won't be too hard on myself for not succeeding at the 50,000 goal. Afterall, it is said that it is better to aim for the moon and land among the stars than to never try at all. So I aimed high and landed lower than I would have liked, but I landed higher than where I started. That's all that matters in the end.

And what I've come to understand through attempting NaNoWriMo is that I do have the potential to do something amazing and wonderful in writing. I can do this. I can write a novel if I really put forth the effort and stick to my course. I also realized that because I am a perfectionist, I need to approach writing a novel through a much more laid back method than I have been. NaNoWriMo was all about word count, not perfect content, and this helped me to establish my goals as a writer and create a better approach to creating a novel. When I focused on simply getting the ideas out, rather than how good they were I was able to get more accomplished. And, if truth be told, I felt a lot better about myself for how much I accomplished when I didn't focus on perfecting an idea. And I know that I will be able to ge this novel finished if I continue to write in this manner. I know that many of my ideas will not be good enough to make the final cut when to start to edit my story, but at least I will have the whole story down. That is the goal that I wish to achieve. And that's how I'm going to go about finishing this novel. So thank you NaNoWriMo for helping me to see what I need to do in order to achieve my dreams.

Alas, I do have some bad news. It would seem that my computer cord for my laptop has officialy decided to die on me. I cannot charge my computer, and therefore I cannot continue to work on my novel at the present moment. It is rather aggravating to say the least. So be patient with me for the slow updates. I don't have my current draft available at the moment so I'll just be writing random scenes for now.

And, to all you who read this blog let me just say, I appreciate your support for my dream and goals. I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it. I will update more often and I will have more ideas to throw out to you, so stay tuned! And, as always, feedback is more than welcome and appreciated.

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