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Monday, February 15, 2010

Late night inspiration

Isn't it funny when we receive inspiration? This little piece of reading for you, for example, is the result of a mind that was trying to shut down in order to get some sleep! But once the idea popped into my head I couldn't very well just lie there and ignore it now could I? I had to get up and actually write it down so I didn't forget.

Now I know I always say this, but I'll tell you again. This is a very rough piece of writing that I'm posting. In the future I may add or change a great deal of it, but for now it's really all I have. It's the raw ideas and thoughts that flow in my mind. I hope you don't stone be for it being so rough. But I do hope you enjoy it. And a happy Valentine's Day to you! Even though it's two minutes late!

Once upon a time…no that’s not right. This is definitely not a ‘once upon a time’ type of story. How about, there once was a girl…grrr! That’s not right either. Ugh this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Once upon a time is just too cliché; too ordinary; too bland. Nope I definitely couldn’t use that phrase to describe my life.  
                Let’s just say this then: if you were to ask me about my life a year ago, I’d have to tell you that nothing out of the ordinary happens. I wake up and proceed to live out each day hour by hour. My schedule never changes. I never deviate from my pattern. In short, my life is rather boring. I am the classic overachiever bookworm college student. I have not life other than studying. Others would agree that I’m not the most exciting character out there. I never attend dances, though I have a few friends that beg me to join them. I’m not outgoing or adventurous in any way.  I even thought I was rather boring too: nothing special to look at; nothing to appreciate really. So it was logical to assume that nothing would change. I’d stay in my happy little boring bubble.
                Oh how wrong I was.
                I never in my entire existence would have supposed that one tiny incident would lead to my whole world being thrown for a loop. I never thought I’d ever experience what life would truly have to offer me. In short, I never thought I’d find the spark that was missing in my life.
                But find it I did. Or should I say that it found me? 

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