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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Another Snippet!

Well here's another post for all those who actually read this thing. I don't know who you are or if you are actually reading this thing, but thank you! Replies and reviews would be most appreciated! I have two differnt little posts here. As always enjoy!

Chapter: Remember Me…          
My eyes widened in shock and I froze in the sea of students all rushing to get to their next class. The person ahead of me looked so much like-
 My heart started hammering erratically.
                “Adam?” I whispered, tears threatening to spill, “Adam?” A little louder this time.
                He stopped walking and turned to face me, a questioning look on his face. My heart stopped beating all together. It really was him!
                “Adam!” I cried rushing towards him tears falling rapidly. I tackled him into a fierce hug, blubbering like a baby. “I-I thought I’d never see you again!”  I cried into his shirt, “They said that you died that that you weren’t coming back! How-how did you…?” My tears were falling too fast. I couldn’t continue to speak.
                “Uh,” His arms didn’t encircle me like they used to, “Have we met? Maybe you have me confused with someone else?”
                I gazed up at him, confusion written on both our faces. “How can you not remember me?” I released him from my hug but kept a firm grip on his arms. “Adam it’s me! It’s Jenna. Don’t you remember anything? The traveling? Me? Don’t  you remember me?”
                “I’m really sorry miss. I just don’t think we’ve ever met,” He looked at me apologetically. I stared in disbelief.
                “You have to remember me Adam. I-I love you. And you love me! You told me that you loved me! That’s why everything happened! That’s why you were hurt and-“ I couldn’t continue. They memory was still too painful.
                “I don’t know what you think you know about me, but I’ve never met you.” He seemed a little angry now. My heart shattered. I released his arms and continued to stare at him.
                Adam really didn’t remember me.
                Then a completely irrational thought came to mind. Perhaps-
                “If you don’t remember me,” I whispered fiercely, “Maybe you’ll remember this.” I grabbed him and pressed my lips to his.
                He didn’t return the kiss, but froze. It was as though I was kissing a statue. I hastily pulled away and turned from him. I wouldn’t cry any more in front of him.
                “Jenna,” he whispered. I froze, not daring to turn around. Before I knew it, arms were turning me around and lips were pressing to my own hungrily.
                I knew who it was. And the tears of pain turned to tears of joy. I kissed him back fervently, praying that this moment wasn’t a cruel joke or a terrible dream.
                After a minute, Adam pulled away and held me close. “I thought I had lost you. I gave up everything for you to be okay, even my memories.” He buried his head in my hair, “Oh how I missed you.” He recaptured my lips.
Chapter: The Secret…
                “Adam wait up!” I shouted after him. But he didn’t hear me. He kept muttering something to himself and continued walk briskly towards the edge of campus. It was as though his thoughts were a thousand miles away. I sprinted to catch up to him, praying I didn’t run into anything.
                Once he reached the edge of campus, where there were very few students, he stopped. His back was to me and he continued to mutter to himself. I stopped ten feet from him, panting from my sprint.
                “Adam?” I questioned in between pants, “What’s going on?”
                He didn’t answer. In fact he didn’t even acknowledge my presence. Something definitely seemed off.  I hesitantly approached and reached up to touch his shoulder.
                The air suddenly became thick with electricity. I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. And then the world around me began to shift and blend until it was all just a whirl of color and an immense pressure built up around my head. Adam’s arms encircled my waist, holding me tightly to his chest.
                “Jenna just hold on okay?” He whispered in my ear. I closed my eyes to try and block the sudden nausea I felt.
                And then I felt a rush of wind around me. We were moving. Fast. I yelped in surprise and things went dark.
                “Jenna? Jenna can you hear me?” Someone was calling me. That voice was very familiar. “Jenna please you have to wake up!”
                I let out a groan and tried to open my eyes. They felt so heavy. Adam was looming above me, concern etched on his face. What had happened?
                “Jenna, are you okay?” He asked, pushing a strand of hair away from my face. I stared at him questioningly for a moment trying to piece together what had just happened. My eyes widened with realization. I bolted up, my head swimming from the sudden movement.
                “What just happened?” I demanded, “How did we…that is what exactly…where…” I tried to searched for the right words. “Ugh! What’s going on Adam?!”
                “Please Jenna will you sit down and rest first? I’ll tell you I promise, just don’t hurt yourself please.” He pleaded quietly with me. I nodded in agreement and sat on the ground again.
                “Alright, I’ll take it easy,” I stated, “Now onto the explanation please.”
                “I-that is well we travelled.” He stated simply gazing at me.
                “ Travelled?” I questioned. “I’m not so sure I follow what you are saying.”
                He closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, “You see you were right about me. I-I’m not human per say. I’m a traveler. “
                “Uh,” I didn’t really know how to respond to what he was saying. It all seemed too strange. Yes I did know that something was off about Adam but I never would have suspected this! “You’ve got to be kidding me right? I mean it’s just not possible. You travel? Like through time?”
                He nodded, “Yes. In fact that’s what it what I was trying to do when you grabbed onto me.” My eyes widened, “It’s sort of hard to handle the first time. That’s why you passed out.”
                “Oh,” I nodded my head, still completely confused. “I travelled with you?”
                He chuckled lightly, “Yes Jenna. You travelled with me.”
                “So when you say we’ve travelled through time, what time period are we in exactly?” I quirked an eyebrow at him.
                “Well,” He looked sheepish, “We’re six hundred years in the past.”
                My eyes widened, “What! Six hundred years! Why couldn’t you pick a time that wasn’t so far from the one I was currently living in?!”
                “Well I didn’t expect you to tag along for the ride,” He retorted glaring at me, “I just needed to get away from everything and the 1400’s in France is one of my favorite places-“
                “France?!” I shouted, “We’re in France too?”
                “Yes Jenna,” Another half  hearted smile graced his lips, “It’s really quite nice this time of year. You said yourself that you always wanted to go to France…”
                I rolled my eyes, “Yes but I never expected to go to France in the past.”
                “Good point,” He murmured. He edged closer to me and grabbed my hand, “Listen Jenna, I really am sorry about this. I never meant for you to get caught up in this travelling business. We’ll go home as soon as you are able.”
                “Why am I not able to now?” I questioned gazing up at him, “I feel okay right now. Just a bit light headed.”
                Adam sighed, “You see the problem is, when a person has never travelled before, well it sort of takes a lot of energy for them to do so. Right now you are too exhausted to be travelling. If we tried, we’d be separated and you’d end up in a different time and I would have no way of finding you.”
                “Oh,” was all I could think to reply, “I suppose it makes sense. So, uh, how long do we have to wait?”
                Adam cringed again, “My best guess would be at least twelve hours, since it was your first time travelling. The more you travel the easier it becomes.”
                “Twelve hours? What are we supposed to do for twelve hours in 15th century France?” I remarked.
                Adam sent me a grin, “I’ll show you.”

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