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Friday, January 28, 2011


Alright, I admit it...I lied...I didn't post anything for you to read until just now even though I said that I would be posting again withing the next few days...I lied and I failed and I'm sorry! For all of you who were anticipating reading something pertaining to my novel and were disappointed I apologize. That is if there is anyone who actually reads this blog...but that's not the point! If you are someone who is reading this blog and was looking forward to reading a post from me I apologize most heartily and offer a slightly better promise...or at least a more reliable one depending on your point of view.

So here's the situation: The reason I haven't posted lately is because I've been so busy with getting back into the swing of things with school. I've been reading and taking quizzes like a mad-woman and have simply lost track of time. Very often I have wanted to write but my energy level has simply depleted.

That's the excuse for not blogging, now here is the solution: I fully intend to continue blogging, and far more often than I have been these past few months. And how I intend to go about blogging and continually doing so is by blogging more about a specific class. You see, in one of my English classes we have been asked to take a personal approach to what we are reading and do some self-directed learning. And while I've been posting about thoughts and ideas that have come into my head, the notion came to me today that I really need to take an approach to the text in a way that makes sense to me. Sure I can see ways in which a text can compare to my life and the experiences that I am going through and I can make connections like that. However, I also thought that perhaps I need to make a connection with my favorite activities. It is glaringly obvious that I need to apply my love of writing to these texts. Not merely in analysis, but in looking at a text from a different point of view. So, with our upcoming assigned texts of the Canterbury Tales I intend to essentially, re-write the tale to fit a character into the plot. I think that by doing so I will be able to connect to the writer, Chaucer, on an entirely different level. And, I intend to post what I've written on this blog as well as what I've gleaned from my experience.

This may seem overly ambitious and a little foolish, but I figure that if I attempted NaNoWriMo, I can most certainly attempt to write something about Chaucer, eh?

Now, I still intend to write about my novel as I strive to work on that, but I thought that a little variety would be enjoyable as well. So, essentially, you'll have two texts from me to read. Either way this should be interesting from now on, eh? Wish me luck!

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