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Wednesday, January 12, 2011


After waiting ever so patiently (okay so I'm sort of lying about the "patient" part) my computer cord has finally arrived! And happily my computer is now fully charged and operational. Do you realize what that means my dear readers?! It means that I can start writing in my novel once more! Hooray! Huzzah! Heheh...and I must confess that I am so excited for this as well. It has been eating me up not being able to sit down and write all my exciting thoughts and ideas that have been plaguing my mind since my beloved computer ceased to work for the last few weeks. I do believe the characters of my novels have just about blasted a hole through my mind as they have attempted to escape the confines! And I don't blame them. And since going back to class, the issue has not resolved in the slightest. In fact my English classes are so interesting that I find it hard to contain the characters in my mind. New thoughts and ideas have emerged as a result of my attendance and I have found it even more aggravating to not have the ability to sit down and write all these ideas onto my novel. It was maddening!

But now happily I hope to be able to sit down and write as often as I choose. And I hope to update soon so you can see that I'm actually making progress with Jenna and Adam and their fantastical story of time travel. Oh the excitement!

But on a different note, I thought I'd make a note of the coming updates to give all of those who read my blog a heads up on what to expect. Not only will I be updating the progress of my novel, but I will also be posting on my readings for my English class as well. Mind you this isn't an assignment of any kind. I have simply come to appreciate the readings that we are partaking of in this particular class and consequently my writing and ideas are being influenced and shaped by such readings and critical class discussions. So I hope you will enjoy those posts as much as the updates on my novel! And please feel free to comment and let me know your thoughts and ideas and opinions on my novel and on what I'm discussing pertaining to my class readings as well!

I hope to have another update for you in the next few days so keep your eyes wide open and eagerly awaiting its arrival!

Until then I remain,

The Novice Novelist.

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